Estate Baron Adds White Label Option

Estate Baron, a Melbourne-based crowdfunding startup, has announced an initiative to allow property developers the ability to crowdfund their property development projects online by using the Estate Baron platform as a white label service. Estate Baron co-founder, Moresh Kokane, says that the concept will provide a “revolutionary step forward in how developers raise capital for their developments.”

“Property developers are facing a funding gap. Bank policies and pre-sales requirements are getting tighter, and equity and mezzanine funding for property development is harder to find. Property Crowdfunding is a much easier, cost effective way to raise capital for property development,” says Kokane.

Estate Baron can now provide developers with the technology to create their own customizable crowdfunding platform, giving them the opportunity to promote their projects online.

Providing a promotable customised offer document, white label enables property developers to raise any amount of money from an unlimited number of investors, while also providing them access to an extensive user base of thousands of interested investors. The White Label product is said to have already hosted property developments projects in both Sydney and Gosford.

Estate Baron recently closed a successful investment round in which they raised over $500,000 from investors to build the Mount Waverley Townhouse development.

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