Tagged: whiteblock

Avalanche, which is AVA Labs’ Project led by Professor Emin Gün Sirer, to Work with Whiteblock to Enhance Blockchain Security, Performance

Avalanche, which is AVA Labs‘ project led by Cornell computer science professor Emin Gün Sirer, has teamed up with blockchain network testers from Whiteblock, in order to analyze performance, identify key optimizations, and “ensure the production readiness” of the Avalanche protocol implementation. As mentioned in… Read More

Fake Blockchain: Report Says EOS is not Really Blockchain but a “Distributed Homogeneous Database Management System” [u]

Last week, a report was circulating about EOS that slammed the ecosystem saying it was not even a true blockchain. There are other people in the blockchain world who would agree with at least some of the statements from the report. According to Whiteblock, the “world’s… Read More

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