Tagged: Pixpay

Acorns Acquires British Fintech GoHenry

Acorns, an online investment platform providing access to securities, crypto, and banking services, has acquired UK-based Fintech GoHenry. GoHenry is a digital investment platform that targets younger investors, aiming to get them started on securing their financial future early in life. GoHenry is also a… Read More

Pixpay Aims to Allow Anyone At Least 10 Years Old to Open an Account, Use Debit Cards, and Manage Money

Paris-based Pixpay, a company (launched in January 2019) that aims to replace cash when parents give pocket money to their children, allows anyone at least 10 years old to open a Pixpay account, acquire a debit card, and start managing their allowance money. Although challenger… Read More

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