John McAfee Offers Blockchain Assistance to Cuba to Create Cryptocurrency, Meanwhile Cuba Remains the Target of US Sanctions

Crypto advocate and iconoclast John McAfee is offering his knowledge and skill set to the country of Cuba if the country decides to pursue its own cryptocurrency.

As was reported this past week, Cuba is apparently reviewing a bespoke crypto. According to Cuban Economy Minister Alejandro Gil Fernandez, his ministry is, “studying the potential use of cryptocurrency…in our national and international commercial transactions.”

McAfee offered his assistance in a tweet, a method of communication that has become a staple vehicle for policy announcements.

McAfee is currently, or at least he was recently, visiting Cuba.

McAfee has been in an extended form of exile from the US. It has been reported that the former cybersecurity entrepreneur has not paid US taxes for years.

McAfee also believes he is under surveillance by the US Central Intelligence Agency.

Alongside his offer to guide Cuba’s possible project to launch a crypto, McAfee has also declared he will run for US President as a Libertarian.

Meanwhile, Cuba remains a target of US economic sanctions. The Trump administration has shifted its policy approach to the erstwhile communist nation. Cuba remains one of the few remaining friends of Venezuela in the region, another target of US sanctions. Venezuela and Iran are two countries that have considered cryptocurrencies as a possible method to avoid crippling economic sanctions for the rogue regimes.


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