Top Ten Technology Campaigns on Indiegogo

Indiegogo has experienced some pretty phenomenal success in tech crowdfunding. Their largest campaign to date  for any category – remains the Ubuntu Edge.   This next generation smartphone raised almost $13 Million but fell far short of their $32 Milllion goal.  While their crowdfunding campaign was not a funding success there are plenty of other creative tech products which have funded successfully on this crowdfunding leader.  This is the list as of today, but expect it to change in the coming weeks as the next undiscovered tech wizardry experiences crowdfunding success on the pages of Indiegogo.


10.  The Matterform 3D Scanner – $471,082

This affordable 3D scanner launched this past March and closed on April 30, 2013 having raised $471,082 (Canadian) on a goal of just $81,000.  With a price point of $349.00 during the campaign versus the $579 pre-order price online backers got a pretty good deal.

Matterhorn 3D Scanner

9.  Beddit – Automatic sleep and wellness tracker. Turn your bed into a smart bed – $503,472

Just place this device under your sheets and voila!  The next day you get a complete report on your quality of sleep.  While you may already have an idea how well you slept due to your state of fatigue, irritability and general composure, Beddit will help you pinpoint your challenges.  Too much light?  Partner snoring? Heart rate?  Well Beddit will act as your virtual coach and get you to sleep better.  There is big science behind this product.  Expected delivery is November but may be a bit delayed according to a recent organizer post.


8.  Olive ONE: All-in-One Home Music Player – $552,242

Your own personal music cloud in a super stylish device that would look good in any museum of modern art.  The Olive One was definitely a hit, especially at the early bird price of $349.  Olive supports all of the digital music services like Pandora, Spotify, and Songza.  Not certain about iTunes Radio but the device is easily upgradeable so you imagine it is on the list.  This hot piece of audio tech was supposed to be shipped in July but is more than a few months late.  Frequent backer updates have kept the crowd at bay though.


7. Amiigo: Fitness Bracelet for iPhone and Android – $580,710

I  love the concept of a fitness bracelet.  I also need one.  Unfortunately I keep holding out for that ephemeral Unicorn called the iWatch.  The Amiigo tracks a wide variety of metrics like heart rate, blood oxygen levels, skin temperature, calories burned and various activity levels.  Using bluetooth it connects to your iPhone or Android device.  Expected shipping date was June 2013.  Unfortunately the campaigns who had a crowdfunding hit have not been so successful at providing regular updates on their delayed device.  Last one posted over one month ago (September 25, 2013)… hmmm.

Amiigo Fitness Bracelet


6.  SkyBell: Answer door from mobile device – $584,769

The door bell rings and you see who it is – but without answering the door.  Irritating next door neighbor and you just ignore them.  Includes a day and night vision plus a speaker, microphone and motion sensor.  All connected to your smartphone of course.  SkyBell was formerly known as iDoorCam and their scheduled ship date was October 2013 but frequent updates have everyone assured the product will be delivered end of this month.



5.  FABtotum Personal Fabricator – $589,564

The best way to describe this cool hardware is to say it is your own personal factory – that sits on your desk.  Coming out of Milan, Italy  you expect it to look great – and it does.  More than a 3D printer you can print, cut, mill, scan and more.  Pretty much Fabtotum = magic in a box.  Expected deliver is June 2o14.

Fabtotem in 3 colors

4.  Let’s Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum – $1,370,461

I am not certain if this really falls under the tech category but that is where Indiegogo is placing it so I am going along with it for now.  This high flying crowdfunding campaign, which breached the $1 Million mark, got Nikola Tesla fans to pony up for a museum for his old laboratory.  This past September there was an inauguration event at Wardenclyffe so it looks like things are moving forward.

Let's Build a Godamn Tesla Museum

3.  KREYOS: The ONLY Smartwatch With Voice & Gesture Control – $1,504,588

The Pebble Watch launched an avalanche of SmartWatches and Kreyos differentiated their gadget with voice and gesture controls.  The Kreyos has the Get Smart Spy thing going for it as you can even answer your phone and take a call using your watch.  Estimated delivery was for November 2013 but in a backer update the Kreyos team has just announced a delay caused by a design change.    New delivery date is January, maybe February 2014.

Three Kreyos Watches


2.  Scanadu Scout, the first Medical Tricorder – $1,664,574

Crowdfund Insider just wrote about Scanadu as they just raised over $10 Million in a Series A funding round.  That should make them fully funded.  This device brings star trek fiction to present day reality as the device claims to be able to make certain prognosis with just a wave of the Scanadu.  This campaign was at the top of the tech crowdfunding mountain until just this past August.  Scanadu is soon to be ubiquitous.  Estimated deliver March 2014.


1.  Canary: The first smart home security device for everyone – $1,961,862

The most successfully funded tech project on Indiegogo to date is the Canary Home Security device.  They justifiably claimed this title.  And why should you pay someone a monthly fee to call you when you have just burned the toast?  Right.  Get a canary and save the fee.  It was about time someone automated home security.  This cool product monitors air quality, temperature, vibrations, sound.  Of course it has an HD Video camera with  night vision.  It connects to you iPhone or Android device so you can keep an eye on things anywhere you have mobile connectivity (which excludes parts of Manhattan).  Estimated delivery is June 2014.  If you are interested Canary is taking pre-orders on their web site now so you do not have to feel left out.

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