Tagged: rizal commercial banking corporation

RCBC’s Financial Inclusion Fintech App DiskarTech Completes $230M in Digital Transactions in a Year Since Launch

Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation’s (RCBC) financial inclusion app DiskarTech has managed to process gross transaction value of over P11.8 billion (appr. $230M) just a year after its launch (in July 2020). As mentioned in the announcement, this total transaction value includes money transfers performed via… Read More

Philippines based RCBC Reports Dramatic Surge in Digital Payments Volume following COVID Outbreak

Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) has revealed that it has seen dramatic growth in its digital payments volume during the last year. The value of InstaPay and PESONet money transfers of RCBC Online and its mobile banking app surged 293% when compared to volumes reported… Read More

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