Cash Not So Clean? UK Fintech Paysend Provides Educational Programs About Virtual Payments

UK-based Fintech Paysend will be developing various educational programs in order to help its clients learn more about digital money and virtual payments through a series of informative articles, blog posts, and videos.

One of the main problems individuals and companies, across the globe, are dealing with is personal safety when using cash. It can get contaminated and potentially play a major role in transmitting deadly viruses from person-to-person, mainly because of the frequency that each note has been used.

In the United Kingdom, for example, a typical £20 note gets used over 2300 times during its lifetime.

a typical £20 note gets used over 2300 times during its lifetime Click to Tweet

The World Health Organization (WHO) noted recently people should be aware of the potential health risks involved when using cash. Because physical notes are frequently exchanged between people, the paper bills usually pick up harmful bacteria and viruses, which can then spread rapidly.

According to a research study released in 2017 by Plos One, paper bills carry bacteria, microbes from mouths, DNA from pets, drugs and viruses. Pathogens were found on over 90% of US dollar bills, according to a study published in 2002 by the Southern Medical Journal. It noted that paper bills can transport live flu viruses for over two weeks.

Ronnie Millar, CEO at Paysend, stated:

“At Paysend we work to make digital money transfer so simple that anybody can use it. Our digital money transfer service allows people to send money to over 80 countries from their smartphone or computer in the most safe and effective way.”

Millar added:

“We are at the forefront of digital innovation and want to make it easy for people to manage their money – particularly in times of strife. That is why we are investing on educating people about the advantages of digital money for their daily financial needs.”

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