Update: Fig Success “Trackless” is Now Available on Steam

On Tuesday, crowdfunding portal for video games Fig announced one of its succeessesTrackless, is now available on gaming platform, Steam. The game, which was created by 12 East Games, hit Fig last year and raised $21,790 from 465 backers.

As previously reported, Trackless is described as an atmospheric first-person exploration and puzzle game that is set in the distant future. It was notably inspired by various classic games, which includes Zork, Shadowgate, and King’s Quest. The story reads:

In the game, you play as a Seeker, someone who has decided to take a journey into the mountains to attempt a series of trials that, if completed, will lead you to a monolith called The Object. No one knows what The Object is or where it came from, but clues exist surrounding this intractable mystery.”

Players use currency to advance in the game (i.e. purchase upgrades and get access to new areas). To earn currency, players must explore locations and solve puzzles. Their in-game phone will help them find clues and give them special abilities.

Fig revealed that the game utilizes a mix of first-person adventuring elements and a text input system that hearkens back to the classic period of adventure gaming, making for a wholly unique gameplay experience. Players who purchase the game during launch week will get 25% off.

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