Tagged: rubean

BBVA Continues to Work on Quantum Computing Data Projects, also Collaborating with German Fintech Rubean to Trial Contactless Payments Solution

BBVA, a Spanish multinational financial services company based in Madrid and Bilbao, Spain with nearly €700 billion in assets, is reportedly planning to conduct trials of its new software that allows merchants to take contactless payments via their Android mobile devices, without having to install… Read More

Contactless Payments: German Fintech Firms CCV Group, Intertrust, Riscure, Rubean to Create Hardware-Free Mobile Point of Sale System

A group of Fintech firms are planning to create a hardware-free mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) system. The mobile-based payments system will process contactless payments made from Android devices. Germany-based Fintech companies CCV Group, Intertrust, Riscure, and Rubean have reportedly been working on the PhonePOS concept, in… Read More

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