Tagged: mentors

London Stock Exchange Group Partner, Global Accelerated Ventures’ CEO Christopher Malters Explains what his Organization is Doing to Help Fintechs After COVID-19 has Passed

  The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) and Global Accelerated Ventures (GAV) recently introduced a post-COVID-19 fundraising program that aims to assist Fintech and Healthtech firms that might need additional capital to support their growth and development after the pandemic has passed. The 24-month program… Read More

UK’s Fintech Alliance Launches New Mentoring Hub to Connect Industry Leaders with Startup Founders

The Fintech Alliance has introduced a new program via its platform, called the Fintech Alliance Mentoring Hub. The hub will help financial technology industry leaders connect with startup founders, entrepreneurs and other professionals who want to gain more experience and move up the career ladder… Read More

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