Rapper Big Sean Opens Up About Flint’s Water Crisis & Crowdrise Initiative

Big_seanEarlier this week, E News! caught up with Michigan-born rapper, Big Sean, to discuss his organization Sean Anderson Foundation and his recent project to help stop the Flint water crisis. The musician recently launched a crowdfunding campaign through Crowdrise to raise funds for the Michigan town, which has been plagued with constant water issues.

During his interview, Big Sean shared details about the foundation:

“I started it with my mom a few years ago, she has dedicated her whole life to it,” he explains. “We wanted to see how we could help out the city of Detroit. My roots are tied to the city of Detroit. It’s a city that needs a lot. Detroit public schools are full of kids who can’t afford clothes or books. I really felt the need to give back. The first thing we did was donate backpacks with tons of school supplies and paid for school uniforms for kids who couldn’t afford them. At the beginning the foundation didn’t have much money and initially the money spent was out of my own pocket. And that “was some of the best money I ever spent.”

Flint water before and afterWhile describing the Crowdrise initiative, the rapper noted:

“We launched Heal Flint Kids not too long ago to try and raise money for the kids of Flint. The toxicity in the water is a very big deal causing irreversible harm. People don’t understand what it’s like to have that many people affected. So far we’ve raised close to $60,000 for the community.”

He then added:

“It really brings down my spirits when I see the constant suffering—I talk with my mom about what we can do and how can people help.”

So far, Big Sean’s Heal Flint Kids campaign has secured nearly $75,000.


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