P2P Lender Harmoney Tops $50 Million in Loans

harmoney-borrows-investors-graphicHarmoney, a peer to peer lending platform operating in New Zealand, has surpassed $50 million in loans via over $1.4 million in transactions according to a recent report.  Harmoney is quoted as claiming this makes their direct lending platform “the fastest growing peer-to-peer lending marketplace in Australasia”.

Harmoney was the first p2p lender to receive a license to operate in New Zealand back in July of 2014. New Zealand Bank Heartland purchased equity in the young company soon after Harmoney received its approval thus further validating the potential competitor. Harmoney has targeted consumer loans but expectations are for the platform to move into other verticals such as Mortgages. Harmoney has stated it intends to offer loans in Australia at some point as well.

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