Germany Update: Founder Institute Launches in Frankfurt & Chooses Kreditech as FinTech Startup of 2014 named Hamburg-based Kreditech  as the FinTech Startup of 2014. The jury explains its choice noting  Kreditech “obvious disruption and, unfortunately, one of the few German FinTech startups that has substantial foreign investment.” Kreditech applies big data to score the creditworthiness of customers.

fintechIn addition, Founder Institute initiated its program in Frankfurt.  Founder Institute, which names itself the world’s largest entrepreneur training and startup launch program, opened an office in Frankurt am Main. In the Founder Institute’s four-month, part-time program,  promising startup entrepreneurs “learn by doing”: they launch a company through structured training courses, practical business-building assignments, and expert feedback from a large network of business mentors.

Founded in 20founder institute09 by serial entrepreneur Adeo Ressiand and based in Palo Alto, California with chapters across 85 cities and 40 countries, the Founder Institute states that it has helped launch over 1,310 companies, which have created over 10,000+ new jobs. The company’s mission is to “Globalize Silicon Valley” and build sustainable startup ecosystems that will create one million new jobs worldwide.

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